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Your feedback is important to us. If you have any concerns or feedback about your counseling experience, please don’t hesitate to discuss them with your counselor or contact our office directly. Your satisfaction and well-being are our priorities.

Yes, Hope Christian Counseling is committed to providing inclusive and affirming support for individuals of all backgrounds and identities.

The frequency of counseling sessions varies based on individual needs and goals. Your counselor will work with you to determine an appropriate schedule

During your first counseling session, you can expect to discuss your concerns, goals, and the therapeutic process with your counselor in a supportive and nonjudgmental environment.

Yes, confidentiality is a priority at Hope Christian Counseling. Your privacy and trust are highly valued.

Scheduling an appointment at Hope Christian Counseling is easy. You can call our office or fill out the contact form on our website.

Yes, Hope Christian Counseling provides counseling sessions for individuals, couples, and families.

Hope Christian Counseling specializes in addressing a spectrum of challenges including depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, grief and loss, couples counseling, co-dependency, and family of origin issues.

Counseling can provide tools and techniques to manage personal struggles, such as anxiety or anger, helping individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and improve overall well-being.

If you require immediate assistance or are experiencing a crisis, please seek help from emergency services or contact a crisis hotline for immediate support.

We recommend checking with your insurance provider to determine coverage for counseling services. Flexible payment options are available for those without insurance coverage.

Counseling sessions typically last around 50 minutes, providing ample time for meaningful discussions and exploration of issues.

While we primarily focus on adult counseling services, we may provide counseling for children or adolescents on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to discuss your specific needs.

Mary Ann holds a bachelors degree from Baylor University and a masters degree in Professional Counseling from the University of Memphis, with certifications from the Southern Baptist Convention and Focus on the Family.

Currently, we primarily offer in-person counseling services in Jackson, TN, allowing for personalized support and a deeper understanding of each client’s needs.

To schedule an appointment with Mary Ann Barlow or inquire about our counseling services, simply contact us by phone or email. We’re here to support you on your journey.

While our services are rooted in Christian principles, counseling is available to individuals of all faiths or no faith, providing support and guidance tailored to each individual’s needs.

Couples can expect support in working through and resolving problems within their relationship, fostering better communication and understanding.

Family counseling addresses emotional, psychological, and behavioral problems within familial relationships, helping to strengthen bonds and resolve conflicts.

Counseling can help individuals learn how to manage symptoms caused by stress and depression, providing coping mechanisms and strategies for healthier living.

What sets us apart is our integrated approach, combining licensed counseling services with faith-based principles, certified by Focus on the Family and recognized by the International Mission Board.

Our licensed professional counselor, Mary Ann Barlow, brings years of experience and a faith-based approach to her practice, providing support to individuals and families in Jackson, TN.

At Hope Christian Counseling, we offer a range of counseling services, including personal counseling, family counseling, and marriage counseling, all infused with Christian principles.

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