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Christian Counseling in Jackson, TN

Hope Christian Counseling is a Christian counseling company in Jackson, TN. We offer marriage, family, stress and depression, and individual counseling services. Whether you are seeking trauma counseling or want to work through difficulties with your partner, we can help. Since 1997, we have helped numerous clients work through the challenges of life. We believe that faith is a huge part of the healing process, which is why we incorporate Jesus’s teachings into our services.

Old women is standing at the door

Our Licensed Counselor

Mary Ann, our licensed counselor, holds a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University and a master’s degree in Professional Counseling from the University of Memphis. Hope Christian Counseling has been certified by the Southen Baptist Convention and by Focus on the Family. Mary Ann is also part of the International Mission Board. She has years of experience in her own personal life. She has raised six children who have gone on to raise their own children. Mary Ann knows the struggles that people face in their daily lives, and she loves to help people. She believes that God places people into our lives for a specific reason. Mary Ann is looking forward to assisting you throughout your journey here in this life.

Schedule an Appointment With Mary Ann

Hope Christian Counseling provides comprehensive counseling services to help you and your loved ones communicate better, work through life’s challenges, and more. No matter what support you need, Mary Ann is prepared to help. We have been practicing for decades now, and we have served countless clients over the years. If you are looking for a Christian support network, you have found it. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment with Mary Ann.

Alleviate Your Suffering, Schedule an Appointment Today